DIY or Hire an Expert .... JLD Planner Chat
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Friday, January 22, 2016
By Rachelle Jones
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Hey there! Hope you all are having a great day so far.  I see some of you are getting a little snow and ice in your towns. So, I thought today would be perfect for a little JLD "planner chat" about DIY and my love hate relationship with it.  How many of you like to do DIY projects? I know I can't be the only one who likes to break out a can of spray paint and glitter.  While I'm all for a little DIY projects I just don't think everything as it relates to your wedding should be a DIY project. 

I know some of you are like well, why do you feel this way.  If you stick with me I'll explain here in just a few moments, but first I want to set the scenario for you.  You have your blushing, very excited, slightly overwhelmed bride and super cool, laid back groom {most are, because they want to leave all the planning up to you (the bride)} whom have given themselves 8 to 10 months to plan a wedding for this fall. Here's the thing, most couples who decide they don't need a wedding planner, which I wholeheartedly disagree with (you absolutely do need a planner), feel that they can do everything themselves.  While your physical state might say that you can, I don't believe that it's great for your mental (my opinion). I'm no licensed doctor, but I am a well qualified wedding professional who can say from experience as a bride and as a planner that taking on too many tasks and not delegating can be and has been proven to be a bit much!

Here's why I think you need to delegate some of those projects to wedding professionals...


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1.  If not for your sanity then do it for the sanity of the people around you! Like I mentioned before taking on too many DIY projects can become a bit daunting and certainly overwhelming.  Our JLD couples are working professionals who spend a good bit of 8 to 10 hours on the average workday meeting deadlines at work and managing projects.  The last thing they want to do is come home and spend another 2 to 3 hours a night for the next two to three weeks or more on one project trying to figure out this really cool idea he or she saw on Pinterest that said you could do it 3 easy steps and would only take 20 minutes.  Just hire the professional and be done with it...

2.  Seriously, who wants to be dropping linen, centerpieces, and place cards on the day of their wedding?  Who has the time for that? Shouldn't you and your bridesmaids along with the MOB be in your bridal suite sipping champagne, getting your hair and make-up done by a wedding professional?  Again, adding stress where you don't need it.

3. So, you thought you could save a pretty, shiny penny by asking your cousin who's an aspiring DJ to DJ your reception, only when his song comes on and he's had one-too many cocktails and a pretty bridesmaids catches his attention and now he's out on the dance floor being a guest at your wedding that he's supposed to DJ.  

4.  Opting not to do a DIY project and hiring a professional means that you can definitely hold the professional accountable.  You can bet your last dollar, because you've spent them all on your wedding that  a professional will show up to your wedding on time. He or she won't be running late, because of those mountains of centerpieces you had to have won't fit in the Honda Accord, because they don't have a van with the right cooling system like a professional florist would have to transport your fresh flowers, but I digress...

These are just some of the reasons, there are so many more, why I feel that you shouldn't DIY everything yourself or if you aren't doing these projects yourself personally you're asking people without any experience or enough knowledge to help you.  By doing that you're setting yourself up for a disaster of an event and any good wedding planner would say to you that while DIY projects can sometimes be fun, it's okay to take on one maybe two projects and leave the rest to qualified professionals.

So, what do you think?  Leave us a comment below.  We want to hear from you!  Also, join the conversation on TwitterInstagramPinterest, and Facebook!


Collaborators | Credits 

Make-up Artist  | Kristi Jones

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